It never ceases to amaze me how quickly time goes by. The first half of 2011 has been superb! This will just be a quick update for now but I will give more details later [Hopefully :)]
I moved to a new home that I love, with roommates that I LOVE <3 Love Stacy, Megan, Krista, & Chelsae
I do not live with my favorite cousin AUB any more and thats been rough but we still make time to see each other.
I took a little vacay to HAWAII in February. Had a blast. I will do a post just for that later.. I promise!
The decision to re-do the ward boundaries in our area also went into effect and we found ourselves in the same place but with a whole new ward! Its been fun, made new friends, and I am enjoying the change.
I am still really enjoying my position within Novell as the Asst. Manager of their Fitness Center. Spring brought many changes for Novell and its taken us a few months to work through the bugs. I am starting to feel like I have a handle on everything...just in time too because my Boss will be having her first baby (a cute little boy) in October and taking maternity leave until February which puts me in the hot seat for a few months. I am a little nervous but excited for the new challenges that the responsibility may bring.
In April, a girl that I went to massage therapy school with contacted me about a position open in their spa and wondered if I would be interested in applying. Ironically I had been thinking for the last month that I wanted to get back into a spa and progressing with my massage knowledge. They basically hired me on the spot and I jumped right in. Its been mostly wonderful there, I love the people that I work with and its such a beautiful facility! Come visit me if you are in the area!
The Spa is Primrose Retreat in Spanish Fork
The link is our website, you can find all our services there. Or you can just pop in to say 'Hi" and try one of the MOST delicious cupcakes you will ever taste in your entire life!
Okay final update for my life at this point!
Being in the health field I have always had a strong desire to learn as much as I can about the body, and be healthy! A previous co-worker and I went to dinner several months ago to catch up and she introduced me to a new wrelm within the fitness world. FIGURE COMPETITIONS I always dreamed of having a lean, toned body but despite all my workouts and eating what I thought was healthy I wasn't seeing much change. So I went with her to one of her meetings with her training coach (mostly just out of curiousity, and because I want to learn how to do couseling myself and thought 'maybe I can learn something from him')
However, from that day I have embarked on a journey that is changing me! I have been training the last 4 months for a figure competition of my own!!! Its been tough and exciting all along, I feel like I am becoming a better person and I am pushing myself to a level I have never been at before! The lows are a struggle but the highs are amazing and the encouragement I am receiving from everyone around me touches my heart.
I promise I will post more about this adventure later, but I just wanted to let you know what I have been up to if you were at all interested.